Posts Tagged ‘#IndiaPositive’


Wednesday, January 18th, 2017

IP-3       #IndiaPositive

What’s a typical routine on #RepublicDay ? Wake up . Watch the #RepublicDay
Parade on TV , buy a flag,  go for flag hoisting in the building or work place , sing 
the Anthem, hear patriotic songs everywhere , feel super patriotic .By evening
it is back to life as usual.How about we change that this year ? 
For most of us we are seeing a new sense of pride in India . Across India
and in Indians across the globe. Visionary leadership at the helm is changing
India’s destiny and culture .
There are some like Prime Minister Modi who have dedicated their life to
India. There are amazing folks across India who made a huge contribution
to India – dedicated teachers , activists , doctors , philanthropists ,social
entrepreneurs and many more . Every action counts.Gratitude to each of
the unsung heroes for their selfless contribution .
There are millions of us who can participate tangibly . What held us back ?
- busy in earning a living ?
- feel that it is the job of the govt to build the country ?
- would like to do something..but not sure how ?
- never thought about it ?
This #RepublicDay  let’s pledge to consciously and actively work towards
building a nation that is truly ‘Sare Jahan Se Accha’.
Every week do ONE #IndiaPositive act for India and your fellow citizens. 
- A taxi or auto driver can give a free lift to an aged underprivileged person
- a college  student can help a local Ngo
- a working professional could help a student , a bank official  official can make
   people aware about insurance and inspire them to go for it
- a housewife decides to make her home plastic bag free
- appreciate and support the social workers in your area
- pledge to stop littering
- support education for a child
- join the green initiative in your neighborhood
- start a laughter club
- use your writing skills to help a cause
- plant saplings , start a herb garden
- ensure food is never wasted – donate
- car pool
- visit elderly people in your neighborhood and spend time with them
- retired folks can volunteer at a local school
- do your bit to ensure India is a safer place for women and children
- the MasterChefs among us can share healthy cooking ideas to help those around us live healthier lives
- People can use their core skills to make a difference. e.g a doctor treats at least 1 patient a week free of cost ,
a nurse tends extra care to a patient who does not have a family.
Get creative about the ways in which you can help to create a better country with your #IndiaPositive
This is not an elitist initiative only for folks with smart phones and social media profiles . Spread the
word. Involve everyone you know . Kindness has no socio-economic barrier . Think of this as a way
to crowd source ideas by Indians for Indians to make a better India.
When a person does something consciously and ongoingly for the country – they will become more
engaged & aware citizens. 
An engaged & aware citizen is less likely to litter India , to let women be brutalised , to watch anti national
elements try to fragment India. Our police and armed forces will have 1 billion new recruits. Today overseas
Indians know that if their message reaches Ms Sushma Swaraj they can expected to be helped . Imagine a
India where Indians in India know that  they can rely on their fellow citizens .
Share your ideas . This could be something you already do . It could be something you now commit to doing.
The key is ACTION . We don’t want words that don’t translate into action.
Keep it simple e.g I pledge to never ever litter #IndiaPositive 
One #IndiaPositive action a week
One Billion Indians. 52 billion potential #IndiaPositive actions . One Awesome Nation 
Each One of can make a difference . Together we make an India that is ‘Sare Jahan se Accha’ .
#IndiaPositive #RepublicDay #CleanPlanet 
On 31st Jan 2017 we will gift 50 awesome Indians for their contributions . The real gift , however , will be
a committed you creating a better India one #IndiaPositive action at a time.
Jai Hind .