Posts Tagged ‘innovation’

Game of laundry

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

Brilliant idea by DesignAffairs Studio .

Edible Cutlery

Sunday, April 18th, 2010

Peesapati Narayana has experimented to created edible cutlery . The main ingredient being jowar (sorgum) which is an environmentally friendly crop because it does not require as much water as wheat and rice. Vegetable pup – spinach , beetroot , carrots – to add color.

The products are marketed under the brand name Bakeys. They are a healthy alternative to plastic cutlery, which is toxic, carcinogenic

Bakey’s products contain nutrients such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, proteins, niacin and folic acid .” Three Bakey spoons are equivalent to eating a jowar roti . The shelf life of this cutlery is nine months. If we add preservatives it can be extended up to two years” Narayana says.

Disposable plastic cutlery – from canteens , out door catering , airline / train meals etc contributes to plastic in landfills where it will lie for thousands of years . Innovations such as this one are a step forward to plastic free meals..and to a Cleaner Planet.