
Print minimally . If you need to print  consider Ecofont . The free version can be downloaded from Ecofont’s site .

The font basically has dots . At a document level print they are practically impossible to distinguish from the normal print. The dots ensure that lesser ink is needed for the printing . Thereby extending the life of the cartridge .

Useful in all work that requires printing – banks , offices . Airlines and Railways can use it to print tickets. At Clean Planet we have now installed this as the default font for documents that need to be printed. We’ve also become a lot more conscious of paper usage . Both factors put together we are refilling cartridges less frequently than before.

More than the font per se what we really like is the approach of finding creative solutions that extend the life of products , solutions for everyday tasks. Imagine the benefits of extending this approach to re-designing products , processes , packaging to make them more resource efficient..

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One Response to “Ecofont”

  1. tanushri says:

    lovely lovely. thanks for this.

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