DIY CD cover

Few days ago we had to include a CD in a courier to a client . We normally buy the CD packs i.e without individual covers because the cover is normally plastic besides being rather uninspiring.

Inspiration and enthusiasm came together to create a CD cover from wood free paper . On which a print of the SoulQuest Tree was pasted on one side . The other side was adorned by a hand embroidered paisley. After seeing the end result we solemnly swear to always make customized CD covers.

This idea can be adapted creatively on a variety of packaging – envelopes , gift packs. You can paint them , use cut outs from magazines , add cloth cut to shapes , buttons , lace . A whole range of items in your home and office can be used for it.

Ingredients for DIY -

- desire to create something unique

- willingness to experiment

- imagination

- glue (hey you need something to stick the desire , willingness and imagination together )

- odds n ends

Do experiment n share your ideas with us.

Have a creative week-end

(via SoulQuest)

Drive happier

Nissan recently announced that some of their future models will spray Vit C on it’s occupants *. Guess Nissan is trying to make the car journey (for the users ) healthier , more comfortable . And to differentiate Nissan from it’s competition.

* your computer bag will be equally moisturized !

World over – more than better cars we need way better roads and public transport . The absence of which is adding to the car population of the planet.

It would be really great if vehicle companies start to use their clout and resources to improve road conditions / support citizen initiatives for better roads ( written from an Indian perspective ).

Undoubtedly the car journey these days is getting longer and more stressful . Millions of people spend precious minutes and hours each day in the confines of their vehicle. Nissan is spot on in the endeavor to improve the experience.

Here are somethings vehicle manufacturers , marketers can do….

- Offer small wind chimes that can be hung in the car . The sound of a delicate wind chime is soothing (the wind chime in my room is chiming it’s approval )

- Offer delicate aroma products suitable for a car . There are perfume dispensers for cars . But most of them are so strong that one needs to open the window to diffuse the smell ! Ideally the product should be(it definitely can be)  biodegradable .

- Create a mechanism where messages can flash on the screen of the music player / TV / special screen : Kindness , love , joy , action inspiring messages -

- Between now and the time you reach your destination – think of 3 good events that happened today

- In 1 min – think of 2 people who bring you immense joy. Acknowledge them for the gift of their presence

- In the next 2 hours do something to help another person without any expectation of a payback

- Remember to thank the universe for all the blessings

- Smile

- Make another person smile

- Don’t use plastic bags

…..the list could go on.

Why depend on car manufacturers to improve the journey ?  DIY .

Tote Pal

We’re delighted to share the launch of Clean Planet -  Tote Pal .

Tote Pal is perfect for all the wonderful folks out there with a youthful perspective (youth included !) . 2 distinctive silhouettes – Slim Fit and Roomy which are contemporary , fun , functional and inspiring.

A bag that’s lightweight , super stylish , comes with a band to hold a water bottle . It has all the usual Clean Planet ingredients of neat stitching , attention to detail . 7 inspiring prints which make your bag more than a bag . Carry a Tote Pal to brighten your day and of those around you..

Are you happy ?

Superb poster from here . via

Once upon a tea time

Clean Planet has been featured in a delightful design blog Once Upon a Tea Time .

Do visit this blog for a daily dose of eclectic design from around the world.

Stop the water while using me

Stop the water while using me – The message as the brand name  (soooo Clean Planet )

All products are made with organic and/or natural ingredients, packaged in biodegradable containers. The neat design of the package is a relief from the normal cosmetics which have reams of fine print and a rainbow of colors.

While we love the name what we like even more are the organic / natural ingredients and especially the biodegradable containers. Currently the plastic from cosmetic products is enough to turn the moon into a dump yard (of course after we’ve ensured that fate for planet earth ) . Biodegradable containers is a much needed idea for a whole range of products – cosmetics , food .

Cool Chair hangers

Cool hangers from chairs . Currently on sale at Resign .

Stuff like this sparks off ideas for recycling objects creatively .

Share your ideas with us.

Vote with your money

I want to introduce you to the wall. The wall holds up a raging dam of human potential. It’s held together with money – the money the same people spend. Change how you spend money and the wall collapses, and the world changes. Drastically. Forever.

If you think that soda is bad for people (which it sure as hell is), never, ever, ever, buy soda. That’s a vote in the ballot box. Same goes for meat, alcohol and other plagues on humanity. Want more organic food? Bite the bullet and buy organic. That’s a vote for the organic industry and more power to them.
Every dollar in your pocket is a vote. Don’t forget it. Every single one is counted. It’s a failsafe system. It’s perfect democracy.

Ali Dark

Fruit trees and the girl child

A completely amazing aspect of tree plantation by connecting it to the birth of a girl child .

In many parts of India, where traditionally boys have been preferred over girls, a village in Bihar state has been setting an example by planting trees to celebrate the birth of a girl child.

In Dharhara village, Bhagalpur district, families plant a minimum of 10 trees whenever a girl child is born.

And this practice is paying off.

Nikah Kumari, 19, is all set to get married in early June. The would-be groom is a state school teacher chosen by her father, Subhas Singh.

Mr Singh is a small-scale farmer with a meagre income, but he is not worried about the high expenses needed for the marriage ceremony.

For, in keeping with the village tradition, he had planted 10 mango trees the day Nikah was born.

The girl – and the trees – were nurtured over the years and today both are grown up.

“Today that day has come for which we had planted the trees. We’ve sold off the fruits of the trees for three years in advance and got the money to pay for my daughter’s wedding,” Mr Singh told the BBC.

“The trees are our fixed deposits,” he said.

In Bihar, payment of dowry by the bride’s family is a common practice. The price tag of the bridegroom often depends on his caste, social status and job profile.

The state is also infamous for the maximum number of dowry deaths in the country.

But the mango trees have freed Nikah’s parents of undue worries. And their story is not unique in Dharhara village.

With a population of a little over 7,000, the village has more than 100,000 fully grown trees, mostly of mango and lychee.

From a distance, the village looks like a forest or a dense green patch amidst the parched and arid cluster of villages in the area.

One hopes that this tradition of tree plantation will spread . And that it will not be limited to the birth of a girl child alone.

The story of cosmetics

Pl watch this video and share with everyone you know.

Besides the problem of toxic chemicals there is the added factor that several products do not have the expiry date marked on them. The expiry date  is stamped on the packaging which naturally needs to be discarded . Lipsticks , eyeliners , mascaras etc don’t have the date of manufacture or the expiry date marked on them. This means that users are not only using products with toxic chemicals – some of them are past their expiry date adding to the health risks they pose to the users.

This def points to the need to create recreate sense of self , beauty which do not rely on toxic cocktails.