Posts Tagged ‘restaurant’

The pursuit of convenience

Sunday, November 7th, 2010

The Japanese take convenience very seriously. A lot of things are structured to be ‘convenient’. Tea bags are individually packed in plastic sachets , likewise wet-tissues. Some brands even offer cookie packs where each cookie is packed individually. Most restaurants will offer wet tissues or towels individually packed in plastic. Vending machines are located in most streets/buildings dispensing the beverage of your choice in a variety of sizes. When it rains every mall/hotel/store sets up a stand in which your umbrella can get a plastic cover (to prevent water dripping inside the establishment ). Naturally (when it rains) you use a plastic bag for every such establishment you step into. The list can go on.

Multiply this activity a few million times just in Tokyo city and you can daily create a Mount Fuji of plastic.

Japan is by no means isolated in it’s pursuit of convenience and the consequent unnecessary damage to the planet. Most countries are on the same pursuit – faring better in some aspects and worse in others.

It would require (enormous) conviction , courage and creativity for businesses to create alternative ways to sell. The choice for a consumer is relatively easier – choose to buy products that don’t entail unnecessary packaging , carry your own water etc.

As consumers and businesses unless we choose to make a difference – this pursuit of convenience will make for an even more inconvenient future.

Green(er) fast food

Tuesday, July 20th, 2010

A Japanese Subway sandwich shop has started growing hydroponic lettuce right in the middle of the store ! Not only is this hyper-local lettuce healthy, it’s a great visual centerpiece for the space.

The Japanese are very inventive when it comes to being space efficient . This is an eco-idea that many hotels , restaurants, canteens , communities across the world can adopt. It is understandably impossible to grow all ingredients locally . But , every bit counts.

(via Inhabitat )

Stylishly green restaurant

Friday, July 16th, 2010

“A kitchen surrounded  by fertile soil where vegetables and herbs thrive … Where daylight shines in from all sides and where the chefs are free to express their creativity daily using the best the season has to offer. It seems an obvious concept, but I spent twenty years surrounded by white tiles under fluorescent lighting before I came up with it.” – chef Gert Jan Hageman

Restaurant De Kas has its own greenhouse and garden near the restaurant, where they grow Mediterranean vegetables, herbs and edible flowers. They also have a large field about  10 kilometres from Amsterdam in the Purmer Polder, where they  grow seasonal vegetables.

In the world teeming with McDonalds , Pizza Hut and other industrial food serving outlets it’s wonderful to see a restaurant that is built around fresh food grown and harvested by the restaurant team.

De Kas is more an exception because of the sheer space needed for such an initiative . Yet , that are restaurants with the luxury of space who choose to adopt the beaten bath. Increasingly hotels are beginning to grow some herbs / vegetables in their gardens (hotels tend to have more space than a restaurant ).

What’s striking about De Kas is the combination of eco friendliness and style that makes it so distinctive.