Posts Tagged ‘water’

If the ocean ain't happy..

Monday, July 12th, 2010

There’s a tight and surprising link between the ocean’s health and ours, says marine biologist Stephen Palumbi. He shows how toxins at the bottom of the ocean food chain find their way into our bodies, with a shocking story of toxic contamination from a Japanese fish market. His work points a way forward for saving the oceans’ health — and humanity’s.

It seems that since we human beings live on land we take the oceans lightly. Not that we have demonstrated exceptional care of the land and it’s inhabitants.

Pl view the video . Share with friends .It’s appalling that dolphins in some parts of the world lose their first born to an unnecessarily pre-mature death due to the toxins in the female dolphin’s milk courtesy pollution. Would we human beings be ok to have such a fate thrust upon us due to the thoughtless actions of another species ?

As Stephen aptly summarises..the ocean pyramid connects to our own pyramid of life. It’s an ocean planet, and we think of ourselves terrestrial species. But the pyramid of life in the ocean and our own lives on land are intricately connected. And it’s only through having the ocean being healthy that we can remain healthy ourselves..

Pl resolve to make a contribution towards a cleaner planet which nurtures life of all species.

Share your ideas and resolutions with us at Clean Planet World .

Calling all superheroes

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

The rate at which we are generating, consuming and disposing a non-bio degradable substance aka Plastic – it would spawn a new kind of fictional hero or at least add a new task to already created fictional superheroes.

Circa 1990 – Superman/ Spiderman rescues the world from the bad guy(s)

In the future the super hero would not only be fighting evil folks . He / she would be swooping in on the Pacific garbage patch and similar heaps of non-biodegradable , earth polluting material and flinging them into outer space. All the superheroes would need to team up to clear up the plastic choking the planet.

The superheroes like Superman/Spiderman are fictional . The plastic on the planet is real . We need billions of people to become eco heros by making sustainable , responsible choices. At this point in time there is no answer in terms of solutions to bio degrade the plastic that is choking land and sea. The least we can do is to reduce the rate of addition to the pile.

Plastic 101

Sunday, May 30th, 2010

Plastic issues

Some of the facts about plastic in a succinct , graphic style . Pl read and share . Lack of awareness of issues pertaining to plastic is a part of the problem.

source :

Rethinking hydration..

Thursday, May 13th, 2010


Save 1095 litres of water

Sunday, May 9th, 2010

These days many cities and neighborhoods face water shortage . Even those that are lucky to get 24 hour water supply must be prudent with water consumption.

Water used to wash vegetables , rice , dal etc can be stored in a bucket / watering can. This water can be used to tend to home gardens. This change on an average will reduce the otherwise fresh water needed to water plants by 3-4 liters daily . Multiply this over millions of households. That’s millions of liters of water that would otherwise be poured down the drain.

A single household with a home garden that consistently uses kitchen water for the home garden will save a minimum of 1095 liters per year.

If you don’t have a home garden pl make a start . It’s possible to nurture plants in a small balcony / window sill . Use wall space . The joy of seeing plants grow and blossom is indescribable.  In a world where most things are marketed as ‘instant’ – from noodles to weight loss – gardening connects us with the rhythm of life that can’t be hurried. We may think we nurture the plants. The plants nurture us with their presence.

Garbage Island

Wednesday, May 5th, 2010

It appears that the planet’s landfill is not on land . It’s the oceans.

The Great Pacific Garbage patch stretches for hundreds of miles across the North Pacific Ocean, forming a nebulous, floating junk yard on the high seas. It’s the poster child for a worldwide problem: plastic that begins in human hands yet ends up in the ocean, often inside animals’ stomachs or around their necks. It is outrageous that other species suffer the consequences of human choices.

Phenomena like the Garbage Patch cannot be the fate of the Pacific alone . Possibly the Pacific Ocean is studied more intensively and frequently resulting in ‘sea’ of information.

World over plastic is used widely . Very little of it is recycled . No one is holding on to plastic objects like heirlooms . It’s therefore ending up on land fills or in water.

The planet is a closed system . What we do stays on the planet and it’s atmosphere .The plastic in the land fills and in circulation is going to hang around for hundreds of years . Our best bet at not turning the entire planet into a junk yard is to radically increase creation and usage of biodegradable objects.

The problem is global and local . The solutions have to be local and consistent for it to cascade to a global level.

Pl choose to make a difference.

A planet money can't buy

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

Pres Obama’s declaration that BP will pay for clean-up efforts in the Gulf of Mexico is symbolic of capital’s hubris and naivete based on the idea that cash can solve all problems. The magnitude of the ongoing BP Gulf gusher is beyond a payment plan. The long term degradation of the fisheries, the die off of animal and plant life, effects on the tourist industry along Alabama and Florida’s panhandle will be irreparable. How big a check will BP write? … How many lives human and otherwise are worth our lust for bigger, better, stronger, faster, newer, next new things?

Time we looked seriously at alternative forms of energy as well as a sustainable way of life.

All the money we have + all the money we can print can not buy us another life nurturing planet.

Birds need you this summer

Thursday, April 29th, 2010

Summer is here . Birds and animals are as impacted by the heat as us . It is found that birds and animals can die due to the heat and lack of water .

Let’s do our bit to make water available to birds and animals facing the consequence of the actions of our species . Keep a bowl of water in your balcony / terrace / compound .

The story of bottled water

Friday, April 23rd, 2010

Do watch . This will make you rethink the next purchase of bottled water.

Carry a reusable bottle filled with filtered water . When you visit a friend or an office ask to refill the bottle. You’ll have better tasting water and a cleaner planet. Asking to refill the bottle at a friend’s place is possibly easier than doing so at an office . But once you start doing so it’ll feel normal . It will inspire others to do the same.

Go ahead. Make a difference.

The story of a plastic bag

Thursday, April 22nd, 2010

Brilliant video . Pl view and share.