Posts Tagged ‘clean planet’

2014 – Year of the Clean Planet

Thursday, January 16th, 2014

Welcome 2014 with a bash!

Let’s spruce up our homes, office spaces and our laptops/PCs/tablets etc. with these cool looking wallpapers. Download them in JPEG for your screens or print out the PDF versions for your wall (remember to use both sides of the paper while printing)

Oh! Here’s a great news for all you bag lovers. These amazing calendars are even available as reversible bags, in three different shades of Blue, Cream and Brown.

Check out this Bag of the Year at

The first Eco half of the year 2014

The first Eco half of the year 2014

2014 Calendar contemporary_Page_2

The second half of an Eco friendly 2014

Click to download the 2014 Calendar (contemporary design)


Eco living in the first half of 2014

Eco living in the first half of 2014

Eco-stylish living in the latter half of 2014

Eco-stylish living in the latter half of 2014

Click to download the 2014 Calendar (urban style)


Here’s wishing everyone a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Dream Big and Execute Bigger!



Let Earth Breathe!

Monday, November 25th, 2013
Non-biodegradable plastic. Choked Earth.

Non-biodegradable plastic. Choked Earth.

A mother always protects her child from wearing a plastic bag over their head, else they may suffocate and die.

What about Mother Earth? Why do we ignore such a deed from happening to our planet? Why do we continue using polythene bags, plastics, etc. and choke the rivers, drains, etc. Doesn’t the same principle apply to it as well?

The over utilization of plastic bags across the world has suffocated Earth. Marine life, the animal kingdom, plants and forests, etc. all get affected by the human’s “inhuman” actions. All because we forget to nurture Nature.

Let’s not aggravate this situation. Let’s switch to better, biodegradable and reusable solutions such as cloth, jute bags, etc. Remember,

1 cloth bag = 300 plastic bags.

By using simply ONE cloth bag we are saving planet Earth from 300 plastic bags worth of torture. Why not make this difference today?!? Switch to a reusable, Eco-friendly alternative.

Simple – The New Fashion Statement

Friday, November 15th, 2013

Tote Pal_Celebrate copy

Style never goes out of Fashion! It only enhances with age. Here at Clean Planet we believe in everlasting beauty. Our Style tips and recommendations are simple, doable, and very attractive!

A bag is a girl’s best friend! So why not team this great Tote Pal with a pair of shorts and a shirt. Let the accessories do the talking and go all out with them.

Remember, simple is beautiful.

Clean Planet at the TGPI Festival @ Juhu , Mumbai

Friday, October 25th, 2013

TGPI festival

We’re delighted to be a part of the TGPI festival at Juhu , Mumbai starting today . A super eco , creative bringing together brands passionate about creating a sustainable world .

Visit the TGPI festival for loads of eco-goodies , organic food , music !

See you at the festival !



Here’s to the crazy one..

Friday, October 4th, 2013


To a crazy rebel genius who made the world an infinitely better place .

Thank you Steve



Independence Day

Thursday, August 15th, 2013
Happy Independence Day

Happy Independence Day

We’d like to reiterate our thoughts on the significance of Independence Day…

A salute to all those who participated in the movement to make India Independent. And to all those unsung heroes across the country who have since then contributed in myriad forms to making this a more equitable , fair , liveable , joyous , progressive nation than it would have otherwise been.

What is the significance of Independence Day in present day urban India ? For the generations that have been born and raised in an independent India ? Newspapers filled with pictures of celebrities wearing clothes that have shades of the tri-color , saying what it means to be Indian . Buying little flags at the traffic signals and putting them in one’s car or desk for a few days. Participating in flag hoisting ceremony in one’s residential building or company. A few moments of solemn silence as the anthem is played followed by snacks and catching up with neighbors . What is the connection that the rituals build with the idea of a nation ? of the idea of being Indian ? The risk is when the sentiment is limited to a few external gestures.

We can create new , meaningful rituals for Independence Day – as individuals and as groups :
- Recognize that our actions – personal and professional – shape India . If there is allegiance to the idea of a nation to which we pledge our devotion – let it reflect in consistent action.
- Make life choices – small and big – that are authentic and deeply meaningful rather than driven by external appearances / compulsions aka Inner Independence
- Give time , attention , money to those less fortunate
- Help educate a child
- Consciously choose not to litter any public space – e v e r.
- Plant trees
- Become an a c t i v e citizen
- the list can be meaningfully expanded
Eventually we need to rise above the idea of nations and see the human species as one . Until that can happen we can attempt an expansive and inclusive definition of what it means to be Indian . And be cognizant of our responsibilities and rights the other 364 days of the year.

Pl choose to create a glorious India where Independence is a reality for all it’s citizens .

Happy Independence Day.

Pl choose to make a difference. 

Tote Invictus

Thursday, June 20th, 2013

Womens health_June 2013

Tote Invictus

Our beloved Tote Invictus featured in Women’s Health June 2013 issue !

Tote Invictus is our tribute to one of the greatest leaders of our era – Nelson Mandela . Since it’s launch Tote Invictus has inspired innumerable folks who have been buying it to make earth a Clean Planet . And the tote reminds them daily that we can rise above our circumstances and shape our destiny .You can get your Tote Invictus here.

“Invictus” by Henley, is a powerful reminder of how we can rise above our circumstances and shape our destiny. – See more at:;jsessionid=14875C816FE6C3781D5DE1BD2E95B3C9#sthash.HXHaFAam.dpuf
“Invictus” by Henley, is a powerful reminder of how we can rise above our circumstances and shape our destiny. – See more at:;jsessionid=14875C816FE6C3781D5DE1BD2E95B3C9#sthash.HXHaFAam.dpuf




The Green People of India

Thursday, June 6th, 2013
Clean Planet @ The Green People of India festival

Clean Planet @ The Green People of India festival


A single spark can start a forest fire. 1 email sent to about 25 recipients in the first week of May was the spark behind a group of fiery, green-thinking individuals who came together to form The Green People of India. The Greenpreneurs share the common goal of creating a sustainable world. Today, over 100 eco-brands are a part of this ‘Green Revolution’ whose aim is “Promoting Eco-enterprises and Sustainable Development in India”.  Team Clean Planet is very proud to be a part of this green group.

TGPI, as we are popularly known, is a friendly group of like minded souls who wish to create more awareness about Eco living. There are several eco-businesses all across India started by entrepreneurs wanting to catalyze a sustainable world . Combined effort by way of shared platform will help to create a stronger impact in society. TGPI began as a grouping of ideas, skills, and efforts of each green business into one consolidated move towards a Green World. Together, we make a difference which is powerful and strong enough to create a change in the world. 

The TGPI group is ready to launch itself on 7th June, 2013, at a one of a kind event, The Green People Festival. This is a 3-day festival  on 7-8-9 June 2013 in Mumbai , India focused on sustainable living.

20 eco, ethical, sustainable enterprises from across 8 states of India will come together to present their work, cause, concept & story to the people of Mumbai at The Vintage Garden @ Bandra West.



Corporate Gifting – Green Gifting solutions

Friday, April 26th, 2013

Everyone was present in the main conference area. At the front was Mr. Prabhu standing shly beside the CEO and the Head of HR. The veteran employees were looking at them proudly, remembering the time when they were in Mr. Prabhu’s position while the new comers stared in awe and inspiration. It was the Employee of the Month ceremony at one of India’s prominent refineries. The HR manager gave a brief on Prabhu’s achievements and why he had been chosen among several other candidates for the award. Finally, with all eyes fixed on the duo, the CEO presented him with a sleek and stylish vintage grey bag, which held a trophy and an Employee of the Month certificate. With the smart Tote Officiel in his right and the certificate in the left hand, he proudly looked into the audience and simply said, “Thank you.”

As the Forum came to a close and the MD gave his acknowledgement speech, the employees stood by the gate with the black bags all set to be distributed. These smart Totes with their attractive graphical prints, were to be given to all the participants of the Summit as a souvenir. Attracted by its sophistication, these bags appealed to one and all and everyone made it a point to collect one before they exited. The Totes’ USP was they were 100% environment friendly and had versatile uses; creating an image just the right CSR image for the IT based company that would stick even months after the Summit.

The MNCs employees were quite excited when they received their “My Exclusive Privileges” gift coupons for the year. It had a massive 20% discount on all Clean Planet products. This was a most welcoming surprise as it came right before the gifting season. Everyone had been a part of the buzz around this brand of Eco Stylish tote bags. They had been through the catalogues that were passed around and some enthusiasts who had heard of Clean Planet earlier on had even gone ahead and made their purchase even before the discount offer was announced. As soon as their coupons were released, all and sundry made a dash for the webstore to buy their favorite Wise Totes, Compact Totes and their ‘buddy’ the Tote Pal.

Clean Planet is your one stop Eco gifting solution provider. Our aim is to customize gifts to suit your requirements and that will appeal to your esteemed audience, be it your clients , business partners/associates ,  employees. Our gift range is unique, versatile and has a long lasting value to its owners. They are very good as souvenirs and giveaways creating an everlasting impression of your organization.

Currently our services involve selecting bags from our designer range, or opt for either a semi-customized or customized product (for bulk orders). To eco your corporate gifting  please get in touch with us at :




POSTAL –                            

214, Raheja Plaza, Shah Industrial Estate, Off Andheri Link Road., Mumbai – 400053

 Each one of us can make a difference. Together, we make change.

Save the Lake! An OLCA initiative

Saturday, April 13th, 2013

The unique Lokhandwala freshwater lake is nestled between the mangroves in the Lokhandwala Oshiwara area. This lake is a jewel in the urban landscape and as you have seen it has various aquatic birds and a large daispora of life that include snakes like pythons, russell’s vipers etc and mammalian species like jackals(have been witnessed in the lake area), all these species protected under the Wildlife protection Act, 1972. There is an urgent need to protect this lake by de-silting and restoring the lake so as to preserve its natural beauty.

A drive conducted on 13th April, 2013 shall be supported by the Team Clean Planet under our Mumbai Kuch Kar campaign. Please support the same. Share with your friends and family. If you have or support any such cause please do let us know so that we too can be associated and propagate it.

The Human Chain Link to support the natural habitat.

The Human Chain Link to support the natural habitat.

Remember always …

Each one of us can make a difference. Together we make change.